WordPress Website Design

A well-designed website is a cornerstone of any effective marketing strategy. It works in tandem with a strategic content marketing plan to nurture leads, transforming casual interest into concrete opportunities and ultimately, loyal customers.

Let’s Work Together

Schedule a free consultation with our experienced web design strategists. We’ll discuss your business goals and ensure your website effectively showcases your brand and generates leads. Together, we’ll build a website that fosters trust and turns website visitors into lifelong customers.

How We Do It

A fully custom web design approach tailored to your business goals

Web Design

100% Customized

Craft a website as unique as your brand. We don’t believe in cookie-cutter solutions. Our web design process is fully customized, ensuring your website aligns perfectly with your brand identity, vision, and goals.

Web Design

Seamless User Experience

At Simpler Site, our focus goes beyond aesthetics. We create intuitive websites that prioritize user experience. Visitors can find the information they need quickly, with minimal clicks, encouraging them to convert into valuable leads.

Web Design

Built for Growth

We leverage the power of WordPress, the most popular and trusted Content Management System (CMS) worldwide. WordPress offers unmatched flexibility and scalability, meaning your website can evolve seamlessly as your business expands.

Web Design

Content that Converts

We believe in the power of engaging content to connect with your audience. Our team will interview key stakeholders to understand your brand, target audience, and desired outcomes. We’ll then craft compelling copy with clear Calls to Action that encourage visitors to take the next step.

“Simpler is amazing! Well informed, flexible and definitely timely.”

If I need another site built they will get the call. If my friends need work, they will get the reference. Just an overall amazing experience.

Jahaun McKinley,

The Website Buyer’s Guide

Our free Website Buyer’s Guide equips you with the resources you need to research, evaluate, and choose the best web design agency fit for your company’s specific goals.

Our Web Design Process

Our thoughtfully-honed process makes sure your website achieves your goals, and launches in the most timely and cost-effective way.

Efficiency & Results

Experience a streamlined journey with guaranteed results. Our well-defined process ensures clear communication, on-time delivery, and minimal revisions.

Phase 1: Strategy & Architecture

Our process begins with understanding your business. We’ll discuss your unique value proposition, target audience, and how your website integrates with your sales and marketing funnel. This stage involves interviews, industry research, and analyzing your initial SEO keyword wishlist.

We provide you with two unique homepage concepts and a preliminary sitemap (a visual representation of your website’s pages). We collaborate with you through revision rounds until you’re satisfied with both the homepage design and sitemap. This ensures you know exactly what your website will look like and what message it will convey.

Once you’ve approved the homepage and sitemap, we move on to creating content and design for the rest of your website’s pages.

Phase 2: Content

The content development phase of a website project typically involves an initial interview (call or meeting) and up to two rounds of client revisions. Throughout this stage, we collaborate with clients to develop website copy that seamlessly integrates their SEO goals, brand voice, and clear calls to action. While copywriting and design are distinct phases, they often progress concurrently within the project timeline.

Phase 3: Design

Once your homepage and sitemap are finalized, our design team creates templates for your website’s interior pages. These subpages will reflect the color scheme and style you approved for the homepage, while their layout adapts to the unique content of each section. To boost visual appeal, we may incorporate infographics, icons, and high-quality photos or videos (both original and stock).

We deliver the subpage designs in PDF format for your convenient review. We offer two rounds of revisions to ensure the subpages perfectly align with your vision. This collaborative process guarantees a website with a cohesive and impactful look.

Phase 4: Development

After finalizing design and content, we build your website’s core structure, the backend. Leveraging the latest development practices, we ensure a secure, fast, and modern foundation. This includes implementing technical SEO to optimize the website for targeted keywords and boost search engine visibility.

Phase 5: Launch

Our comprehensive launch process goes beyond just getting your website online. We ensure a smooth transition by handling the technical complexities, so your website goes live without a hitch. User experience is our priority, which is why we configure 301 redirects to prevent broken links and maintain visitor satisfaction. We take a proactive approach by monitoring your website for 404 errors (broken links) for 30 days post-launch. This way, we can identify and fix any potential issues before they impact your visitors. Our attention to detail ensures your website functions as intended and delivers optimal performance.

“I was smoothly and expertly guided to completion by their excellent process”

Simpler did an absolutely phenomenal job creating my business website. I only had a vague idea of what I wanted when I began working with them. But I was smoothly and expertly guided to completion by their excellent process, communication, questions, explanations, kindness, and patience!

Kristin Knake,

Why Choose Simpler Site?

Track Record of Success

From simple informational websites to complex e-commerce platforms, we have the experience and expertise to deliver exceptional results.

Process-Driven Efficiency

Clear communication and transparent milestones in our well-defined process ensure you’re informed, deadlines are met, and your project delivers exceptional results.

Data-Driven Results

Every design decision is backed by data. We leverage analytics to optimize your website for performance and measure the impact on your business goals.

Digital Strategy Resources

Empower yourself with the latest digital marketing knowledge. Explore our library of helpful resources.

“I couldn’t have asked for a better experience.”

The entire process of designing and setting up a website took very little time and the end product is perfect. Simpler’s team is great and I can’t recommend them enough.

Bob Hammond,

Web Design FAQ’s

What web design services do you offer?

Simpler Site specializes in a range of web design solutions, catering to businesses across industries like manufacturing, professional services, and consumer goods. We excel at building:

  • Informational Websites: Clean, informative websites that effectively communicate your brand and message.
  • Extensive E-commerce Websites: Feature-rich online stores designed to drive sales and streamline your operations.
  • Custom Websites: Tailor-made solutions that perfectly align with your unique brand identity and goals.
Do you build custom websites?

Absolutely! We believe in custom websites that reflect your company’s DNA. We work closely with you to understand your brand vision, functionality needs, and desired aesthetics. From design elements to integrations, your website will be a one-of-a-kind asset that fuels your success.

What content management system (CMS) do you recommend?

Choosing a Content Management System (CMS) is an important decision, though often overlooked. Many companies leave this choice to their developer. However,
unless the developer manages the website, updates content, and implements design changes, this decision should involve you and your team. We’ve created a guide “Choosing the Right CMS Platform” to support your decision making.

At Simpler Site, we exclusively use WordPress as our CMS. Why? Because as the world’s most popular CMS, it offers the largest support community, a vast array of plugins, and userfriendly content updates. Often, a quick tutorial is all that’s needed to get started. Additionally, WordPress empowers marketing teams to manage and update the website independently, minimizing development support – a critical factor for a successful digital marketing strategy.

What's a typical web design budget?

While the average project falls around $10,000, several factors can influence the final investment:

  • Do you have an existing brand identity?
  • Would you like our help crafting website content?
  • Do you need professional product photography?
  • Are there additional marketing materials needed?
  • Will your website involve e-commerce functionality?
  • Do you need a membership area for users?

We understand the importance of upfront costs. That’s why we avoid one-size-fits-all quotes. Instead, a free strategy call with our team allows us to tailor a project that aligns with your specific goals and budget. During this call, we’ll discuss:

  • Your vision for the website
  • Functionality needs
  • Content requirements
  • Design preferences

With this information, we can create a transparent cost estimate that reflects the value you’ll receive.

Where are you located? Who will create my web design?

Simpler Site operates remotely, with our core team based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. For specific projects, we may also collaborate with trusted freelancers to ensure we have the perfect skillset to tackle your unique needs. This means you benefit from the flexibility and expertise of a distributed team, while still enjoying the close collaboration of a central core.

How long will it take to build my website?

Project timelines for website development typically range from 10-16 weeks, with several factors influencing the final timeframe. This includes project complexity, client availability for feedback, content creation needs, and any additional services like branding or marketing integration.

Here’s a closer look at some key factors impacting project timelines:

  • Project Scope: Larger projects with intricate features naturally require more time for development.
  • Client Responsiveness: Prompt feedback from your end keeps the project moving smoothly.
  • Content Development: Whether you provide content or require our copywriting services, this can influence the timeline.
  • Additional Services: Integrating branding, e-commerce functionality, or third-party APIs adds complexity and time.

Transparency is paramount at Simpler Site. We establish a detailed project timeline, scope, and cost during the intake process. Additionally, you’ll receive weekly status reports outlining current progress and upcoming tasks.

Our commitment to clear communication and efficient processes sets us apart as a leading Grand Rapids web design agency.

Are there any ongoing fees for my website?

Websites require regular maintenance for security and functionality. We offer comprehensive website management services starting at $100/month, ensuring your online presence remains dependable, secure, and fresh. You can also choose to manage ongoing updates internally.