Website Launch

Public Health – Muskegon County

Public Health – Muskegon County (PH-MC) asked Simpler Site to build a new WordPress website to promote positive public health outcomes with regards to cannabis useage. The primary audience for the website was parents and kids in Muskegon County. 

The website was built to correspond with a broader public health communications campaign that included several different messages throughout the year. As billboards and social media messages changed, the frontpage of the website also changed to correspond with the campaign.

In the design and development of the website, we aimed to create a design that allowed in-depth health information to be easy to scan and digest.

For this project it was a treat to work with Roberta F. King on imagery and copy for the site.

Project Highlights:

Cannabis Facts For Youth Campaign

Product Page

Benefits of Working with Simpler Site


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We do what we say and say what we do. Your success is how we base ours.


Our nimble, driven team helps us keep project costs low and helps our clients meet goals.


Trust our data-centric approach to support cost-effective marketing decisions.

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