Key Benefits of Custom Website Design

By Meredith Fennema

September 9, 2023

As you plan your web design project, a key question you need to answer is whether your business can get by with a template-based website or if a fully custom website is a better fit for your project needs. 

Template-based websites (such as those built on Wix, Squarespace, or with out-of-the-box WordPress themes) tend to be cheaper than custom-built websites, and for some businesses (especially those who are just testing ideas or solopreneurs who are still getting off their business off the ground) this can be a perfectly fine solution. That being said, for many businesses a template-based website just won’t deliver the ultimate results you’re looking for. 

Simpler Site designs fully custom websites, built specifically for your business’s goals. This means that the design and functionality are completely tailored for your company’s brand, vision, and needs. No generic templates — your new website will be completely customized to you!

To help you determine whether a template-based or custom web design is right for your business, we’ve prepared the key benefits that a custom website design will deliver.

Benefit #1: Tailored to Your Branding

For your business to resonate with customers and achieve results, it’s essential to showcase your brand professionally online, and template-based websites will only get you so far. When you invest in a custom web design, you can rest assured that every single design feature – from button interactions to menu design to bespoke design elements – will match your company’s unique brand identity.

A custom web design can help your business stand out from its competitors by creating a unique and professional online presence. This can help your business differentiate from other businesses in your industry and attract more customers.

Plus, with a custom web design project key attention will be paid to responsiveness. A responsive website design adjusts according to the screen size your visitor is using. That means whether they are on a mobile phone, tablet, or desktop computer, your site will maintain a look that is clean, intuitive and easy to read. 

With a custom web design, your brand will look professional and engage your target market no matter how they’re viewing your website, ultimately inspiring trust and authority for your business. 

Benefit #2: Laser-Focused on Your Business’s Goals

A custom website design can be tailored to the specific business outcomes you really want to happen. 

For example, a business that sells products online may need a custom web design that includes features such as an easy-to-use shopping cart and secure payment processing. A custom web design is designed and developed specifically to target those goals, with special attention paid to a checkout process that converts.

A business that frequently hires for job openings may benefit from a job board that quickly accepts job applications and emails applications to hiring managers. With a custom web design project, you can attract dedicated candidates and streamline the hiring process.

Having your own custom website can also make running ads for your products or services easier and more effective. For example, Facebook, Google, and other advertising platforms can provide valuable analytics regarding who is responding to your ads — but only if you add a snippet of code to your site first.

With every custom web design project, Simpler Site explores the unique business goals and objectives you need your website to achieve and designs a 100% custom website specifically with those goals in mind.

Benefit #3: Built for Your Customer Needs

When your customers visit your website, it’s important that they can easily understand what to do and where to find the information they’re seeking. Through a fully custom web design process, we make sure to carefully design layouts that clearly connect users with key content.

Custom web designs are more user-friendly and intuitive than pre-made or template-based designs because they are 100% customized for your unique audience and messaging goals. A fully custom website design improves overall user experience for visitors to the website, ultimately increasing the likelihood that users complete desired actions, such as making a purchase or filling out a contact form.

By choosing a custom rather than template-based website, you invest in a sophisticated design solution that clearly communicates your company’s message and converts visitors into customers. 

Benefit #4: SEO Friendly

Finally, a custom web design can be fully optimized for search engines, which will help your business generate more site traffic and improve search engine rankings. This can be particularly important for businesses that utilize their website to generate leads and sales.

Before your website can rank highly for your target keywords, it needs to be effectively crawled and indexed by search engines. Through a custom web design process, you can rest assured that everything from on-page optimizations to technical SEO requirements can be implemented, giving an optimal experience to both search engines and your target audience.

Through Simpler Site’s custom web design projects we join effective SEO recommendations with a positive user experience to maximize your site’s performance. From title tags and meta descriptions to H-tags and site hierarchy, we’ll work with you to implement on-page updates that increase both traffic and conversions.

Looking for a Custom Web Design?

Here at Simpler Site, our talented team of designers has built simple, informational websites and extensive wholesale/retail ecommerce websites for businesses in Michigan, throughout the Midwest, and across North America. We’re passionate about strategy and support the growth of our clients in a wide range of industries — from manufacturing to professional services to consumer goods. Schedule a consultation call with us today to get started on a custom website for your business!

Ready to Connect?

Call: (616) 822-3706

About Meredith Fennema

Meredith manages web design and digital strategy services for Simpler Site. Clients across the country appreciate Meredith’s commitment to growth, generosity and kindness, alongside Simpler’s practical, make-it-happen approach. Meredith studied Human Centered Design at Kendall College of Art and Design, earned her Foundations in Design Thinking and Designing Strategy certificates from IDEO U, and has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Communications and Political Science from Calvin University. In business and in life, Meredith believes in the power of embracing the unknown. Outside work she practices this while mountain biking, backpacking, cooking, and vegetable gardening.

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